Exploring Uromodulin
The Key to Kidney Health

Uromodulin (UMOD), also known as Tamms-Horsfall protein (THP), is the prominent protein found in healthy urine. Originating from the tubular epithelial cells in the thick ascending limb and early distal convoluted tubule of the kidney, can also be found in circulating serum. Normal range of UMOD in healthy urine is estimated to be between 10 to 150 mg/mL, while 1.5 to 10 ng/mL in healthy human serum. Varying concentration levels of UMOD in urine and serum have been associated with a variety of ailments and diseases such as acute kidney injury (AKI), chronic kidney disease (CKD), cardiovascular disease, glucose metabolism, and general health. Because of this, UMOD has the potential to be an effective biomarker for these medical conditions.
Learn How Uromodulin Relates to Kidney Disease
Serum UMOD has been a reliable biomarker for detecting early stages of CKD and monitoring kidney function. As kidney function declines, lower concentrations of circulating serum UMOD are observed. [2]
Elevated serum UMOD levels were in correlation with a lower chance of future unfavorable kidney events. [3]
Lower serum UMOD levels were shown to be a predictor for developing end-stage kidney disease. [4,5,6]
Lower urinary UMOD levels have demonstrated and increased risk in developing CKD within a 10-year period. [7]
Elevated urinary UMOD levels have been shown to lead to CKD onset.
(NOTE: There is a genetic component to these findings that may need to be addressed. On the UMOD gene there have been mention of alleles: rs12917707, rs4293393 and rs6497476.)
Uromodulin Glycoprotein (UMOD, Tamm-Horsfall
Glycoprotein, THP) ELISA
The Uromodulin Glycoprotein ELISA kit is a 96-Well enzyme-linked assay used for the quantitative determination of Uromodulin Glycoprotein (THP) in urine, plasma, and serum samples.
We are offering a limited number of discounted kits for trials. Please contact us to reserve your trial kit today.